Friday 3 May 2013


Factors of demand[1]:

1.     Price
When the price of the clothes increases, the quantity demanded will decreases.

2.     Quality
When the quality of the clothes have been improved, the quantity demand will increases.

3.     Brand
When a customer likes or prefer a certain brand, he or she will most probably buy more products from that brand and this will causing the quantity demand to increases.

4.     Preferences
When a customer is satisfy with the style, colour or material of a cloth, he or she will buy more as the clothes have meet their satisfaction.

5.     Others
Other factor such as the four seasons is also one of the factor of demand. People will buy clothes depending on the weather (autumn, summer, spring, winter). For example, people will buy more coat during winter to keep them warm.Thus, the quantity demand for coat will increases.

[1] The explanation of variable factors are taken from McConnell et. Al (2012)

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