Survey Form

Survey on clothes

1.     Gender :
o   Female
o   Male

2.     Age: ___________

3.     Job status:
o   working adult
o   students
o   others: __________________________

4.     The highest Qualification: ______________________

5.     Monthly spending:
o   RM 0 – RM 500
o   RM 501 – RM 1000
o   RM 1000 ad above

6.     How frequent you buy clothes?
o   4 – 6 a year
o   7- 10 a year
o   more than 11 a year

7.     What factors do you consider when buying clothes?
o   Price
o   Quality
o   Brand
o   Preferences ( Style, Material, Color ) :  _____________________

8.     Would you purchase more clothes if your income had increased? Why?

o   Yes : _____________________________________________

o   No  : _____________________________________________

9.     If your preferable choice of brand increased in price, will you continue to purchase their clothes? Why?

o   Yes : ______________________________________________

o   No  : ______________________________________________

10.  If there is another brand selling clothes that are similar to your preferable brand but sold at a much lower price, will this change your choice of brand? Why?

o   Yes : ______________________________________________

o   No  : ______________________________________________

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